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Hempy People B2B Product Catalogue

Hemp Beauty

How hemp cosmetics can make your skin glow and make it healthy.

Hemp Paper

Customized stationery and packaging solutions from hemp.

Hemp Houses

Breathy, naturally pest-resistant hemp houses are the future.

Hemp Plastic

How can hemp be an excellent replacement for plastic? Or even better!

Hemp Biodiesel

Biofuel crazy right? But, it’s an exciting new opportunity as well.

Latest Blogs

5 reasons why hemp will dominate in eco-fashion

When it comes to sustainable fashion, hemp is the new black. Hemp is an incredibly environmentally-friendly crop that can be used for everything from food to fuel to fabric. It’s naturally resistant to pests, so it doesn’t require pesticides. Hemp is also easy to grow, requiring little water and no pesticides. So why are we just hearing about this now?

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